Think Magnum advert, and you tend to think of well-dressed supermodels flouncing about before noisily biting into one of the premium choc ices.

For a new ad, Magnum has taken a slightly different tack. We join a smartly dressed senior citizen aviator as he touches down at ‘The Pleasure Residence’, which sounds a bit Hugh Hefner but is in fact a kind of old people’s home for rich, good-looking types. Sweeping strings and a golden-grilled resident add to the impression that it’s the sort of place Bond villains might see out their days.

Anyway, our silver fox revels in some of the mansion’s luxuries, occasionally locking eyes with an elusive, stairlift-using temptress… who eventually shows up at the opportune moment to first pinch our man’s Magnum, before magnanimously (Magnumanimously?) sticking it into his gob. Now that’s class.

Well, the luxury cues (and noisy crunch) remain, the depiction of older folks is unpatronising and the ‘Get Old or Get Classic’ slogan reflects the ad’s knowing, appealing wit.

Smart stuff.