mr kipling tv ad

A still from the new TV ad

Previous Mr Kipling ads have featured imaginary elephants and cake-dogs, so the brand’s new focus on ‘real, human stories’ is a novel one.

At some kind of tedious family event, we meet a young lad on the hunt for cake. But the other partygoers are jealously guarding their Mr Kipling treats. Eventually, he swipes a slice (from his own mother!), but instead of scarfing it, he smuggles the cake home to give to his grumpy sister, who is hard at work revising for exams. They share a moment, before he remembers he’s her little brother and annoyingly switches off her light.

The ad feels a bit old-fashioned - everyone at the party gathers round the old joanna to sing For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow! - but the payoff is sweet, then funny.