With lyrics that are sexist, pro-violence and jam-packed with the N-word, NWA’s Straight Outta Compton isn’t the most obvious candidate for a drinks ad remix. But Aston Manor reckons the gangsta rap track “resonates with both loyal, and new cider drinkers”. And it can’t resist a good pun.

Hence ‘Straight Outta Crumpton’ – a rather against-the-odds triumph, in which an animated quintet rap, non-cringily, about apples. “When it’s blended / And fermented / You getta flavour how nature intended,” we’re told.

It works, partly because it feels daring, but mainly because NWA’s song is such a banger. If you see this ad and you’re able to walk past a can of Crumpton Oaks on shelf without hearing it in your head, you’re made of stone.