Top 11 brands advertised (by media) £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Total Press Radio Outdoor TV 10,822 1,812 7 543 8,461 Finish powerball detergent tablet 3,889 258 0 0 3,631 Fairy washing up liquid 3,789 126 7 28 3,628 Sun All-in-one dishwasher product 1,622 813 0 514 295 Finish detergent tablets 523 0 0 0 523 Persil tea tree & peppermint 513 513 0 0 0 Finish dishwasher cleaner 342 0 0 0 342 Persil washing up liquid 73 73 0 0 0 Sun dishwater tablets 45 2 0 0 42 Sainsbury Finish tablets 22 22 0 0 0 Persil antibacterial 2 2 0 0 0 Safeway Fairy range 2 2 0 0 0 Top advertisers £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Total 10,822 12,345 Reckitt Benckiser 4,754 3,154 Procter & Gamble 3,789 8,351 Lever Bros 2,255 809 Sainsbury 22 32 Safeway 2 0 All washing up/ dishwasher advertising by media £k Mar '00 - Feb '01 Mar '99 - Feb '00 Total 1,655 3,856 Press 1,100 1,364 Radio 7 47 Outdoor 43 173 TV 504 2,271 Top TV outlets Fairy Washing Up Liquid £k Apr '00 - Mar '01 Total 2,417 ITV - Carlton 457 ITV - Meridian (all areas) 342 Astra - Sky One 340 ITV - Central 299 ITV - Anglia 213 ITV - Granada 196 ITV - HTV Wales & West 182 ITV - Yorkshire 157 ITV - Scotland 120 ITV - Ulster 111 Source for all tables and data: ACNielsen MMS My favourite washing up/ dishwasher product ad: Fairy Liquid TV ad Ben Johnson, European marketing controller, Schwan's "I love the way this Fairy Liquid ad ­ with a young boy unable to make his updated spaceship because longer lasting Fairy Liquid won't run out ­ reawakens childhood memories of trying to make what the Blue Peter presenter had made the night before. Rather cleverly, the updated bottle design and the more concentrated product are fundamental to the storyline. This ad involves the watcher while selling to their needs. It makes you feel good about the brand and manages to include a hard product sell." {{MARKETING - P&P }}