Trends in the consumption of trout in the home
Healthy perception helps boost trout consumption
Amost a third of all trout is consumed for its perceived healthiness.
Trout as a healthy option might explain why those aged 45 years and over are the biggest consumers of trout, accounting for 73% of all trout meals eaten.
The 45-64 age group has increased its weight in trout consumption from 34% in 2001 to 40% in 2004.
Just under 70% of all trout is eaten with vegetables, with boiled potatoes being the most popular. Carrots and peas each accompany a fifth of all trout meals.
Trout is mostly consumed as a main meal. However, its consumption as a light meal option has increased from 19% of all occasions in 2001 to just over a quarter in 2004. As light meal solutions become increasingly popular among the British population, it seems that trout is being perceived more as a lighter alternative.
Enjoyment reasons such as something special or a treat (25%) and favourite (16%) also play an important role.
More than three quarters of trout is consumed from its fresh format, so once it is purchased it doesn’t stay in the refrigerator very long.
Trout is 43% more likely to be consumed in a household of two people when compared to other fish.
Cath Willis, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: cheese
- In the past year there were 29.5 million trout meal occasions
- Saturday is the key consumption day, at 19% of the total week
- 68% of trout is eaten at the evening meal, 23% at lunch
- Baking (30%) and grilling (22%) are the most common preparation methods for trout
Healthy perception helps boost trout consumption
Amost a third of all trout is consumed for its perceived healthiness.
Trout as a healthy option might explain why those aged 45 years and over are the biggest consumers of trout, accounting for 73% of all trout meals eaten.
The 45-64 age group has increased its weight in trout consumption from 34% in 2001 to 40% in 2004.
Just under 70% of all trout is eaten with vegetables, with boiled potatoes being the most popular. Carrots and peas each accompany a fifth of all trout meals.
Trout is mostly consumed as a main meal. However, its consumption as a light meal option has increased from 19% of all occasions in 2001 to just over a quarter in 2004. As light meal solutions become increasingly popular among the British population, it seems that trout is being perceived more as a lighter alternative.
Enjoyment reasons such as something special or a treat (25%) and favourite (16%) also play an important role.
More than three quarters of trout is consumed from its fresh format, so once it is purchased it doesn’t stay in the refrigerator very long.
Trout is 43% more likely to be consumed in a household of two people when compared to other fish.
Cath Willis, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: cheese
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