When cucumber is eatenn Cucumber consumption has increased by 9% in the past year
n Females of all ages are the key consumers, and 56% of cucumber is eaten for health reasons
n The key occasions for eating cucumber are the evening meal (36% of consumption) and lunch (32%)Men could be turned on by more cucumber sandwichesThe profile of cucumber consumption is much more biased towards adult females than males. Males of all ages under-index compared with total vegetables, and for that matter total foods.
Adult males are the key consumers from lunchboxes, where cucumber already makes up 13% of occasions.
So there is an opportunity for cucumber to be targeted at males as a sandwich filler. Three quarters of all lunchbox (ie carried out) meal occasions feature a sandwich.
Consumption by males could be driven by associating cucumber with sandwich fillings favoured by men, such as cheese.
Furthermore, in the past year, cucumber’s growth has been driven by lunch (+13%), which is a growing occasion because of cucumber’s strength as a lighter alternative to vegetables.
If the trend continues into next year, lunchtime will have overtaken the evening meal as cucumber’s key meal occasion.
The most important stated need for consumption is that cucumber is healthy, followed by it being a favourite, and that it naturally complements food.
Thirty nine per cent of cucumber is consumed as part of a light meal (compared with 32% of vegetables).
There has been a 20% growth at this occasion in the past year.
Matthew Ferguson, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: shellfish
Adult males are the key consumers from lunchboxes, where cucumber already makes up 13% of occasions.
So there is an opportunity for cucumber to be targeted at males as a sandwich filler. Three quarters of all lunchbox (ie carried out) meal occasions feature a sandwich.
Consumption by males could be driven by associating cucumber with sandwich fillings favoured by men, such as cheese.
Furthermore, in the past year, cucumber’s growth has been driven by lunch (+13%), which is a growing occasion because of cucumber’s strength as a lighter alternative to vegetables.
If the trend continues into next year, lunchtime will have overtaken the evening meal as cucumber’s key meal occasion.
The most important stated need for consumption is that cucumber is healthy, followed by it being a favourite, and that it naturally complements food.
Thirty nine per cent of cucumber is consumed as part of a light meal (compared with 32% of vegetables).
There has been a 20% growth at this occasion in the past year.
Matthew Ferguson, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: shellfish
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