Sir; I have read a lot of press recently regarding the value of recruitment agencies, and the tremendous job they are doing in bringing together the skilled and the needy, all for an absolute charitable pittance no doubt!
In an unforeseen entry into the job hunting market, I have so far written to 182 agencies nationwide (I am a superstore manager with more than 20 years' experience).
Of these, 126 have deemed me worthy of a reply; the other 56 didn't even grant me that dignity.
The replies were almost identical, with the notorious three paragraph' response:
1. Thanks very much.
2. Nothing doing.
3. Best of luck matey!
Occasionally, I would get that courteous' fourth paragraph: "We will keep you on our database and recontact you should something come up." Later contacts: nil!
The amount of imagination required to consider my transferable skills as being appropriate for many of these vacancies is obviously beyond the capabilities of these young people.
Their defence: "My clients' brief has been very specific on this occasion." What tosh!
Compare this strike rate with that of a direct contact with retailers and suppliers. I have written to 47 companies over the same period, had polite replies from 45 companies and am presently attending eight interviews, which will hopefully result in me having wasted my last ever stamp on agencies.
Employers: there are a great many more high calibre candidates out there than you are getting to see.
Employees: use the internet for contacts and get straight through to the head of personnel for a result.
Name and address supplied
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