The World Cup also helped shift lots more booze, which is something they've been concentrating on in their recent Christmas ordering.
Says Lara: "It'll be the first Christmas with the complete new look and we've been ordering more stock than last year to capitalise on that."
She's feeling a lot more relaxed after two recent holidays and says that although most of the staff take breaks in July and August, their shifts can always be covered by young Saturday staff who are off school.
The store is still feeling the benefit of a massive leaflet drop showing Nisa promotions 10,000 which went out at the beginning of July and prompted a 10% increase in footfall the following week.
"It hasn't completely dropped again and we aim to keep up momentum by dropping a smaller number of leaflets every two weeks. We're pleased with the effect it has."
The promotions are also announced on the in-store radio which was fitted by Nisa recently adverts are broadcast every two or three songs, which the customers don't seem to mind. Lara, however, is waiting for a new programme which allows her to modernise the music.
Meanwhile, the 50-strong fishing fleet remains out of commission, knocking turnover back by 10% as the Andersons' fortnightly supplies are not needed. And the campaign to save the local jail from closure appears to have failed, possibly cutting off another good source of revenue.
"We're doing OK though," says Lara. "And putting in the new, lower counter has made a big difference."
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