Job title: Customer services manager
Company name: Dietary Special (DS Gluten Free)
Sales: £24m
HQ: Stockport Road, Warrington
Employees: 40
What's it like to work for your company? DS is a great brand to work for. I've worked here for nearly five years and my job has changed and developed so much over the years. Every day is different with a new challenge.
Why is it a good employer? The brand has good strong values and the company really cares about its employees. It is understood that we can work in a fun, relaxed atmosphere while still maintaining high professional standards.
What's the best thing about working there? I have a brilliant team of staff all committed to providing our consumers with a compassionate and professional service. I daily network with all sorts of people. Most of them are very happy customers.
How does the company differ from its rivals? DS gluten free is an extremely customer-focused brand and we invest heavily in consumer research during our product development process. We aim to offer our customers more than just the products and hold exclusive engagement events throughout the year, which include kitchen demonstrations, helpful advice from our dietary experts and a safe environment for consumers to discuss their condition.
Is there a definable company culture? There is a strong level of commitment both to the company and to our customers. Staff are willing to go the extra mile to get jobs done and with the company being relatively small, people are very adaptable.
If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Mini Cooper: small, reliable and steady but a little bit quirky.
What's the training like and what qualifications can I earn? There is a lot of training on the job, while employees also have the opportunity to do external courses. The customer service team have all recently completed Customer Service NVQ qualifications.
Has the company won any awards? This year, our parent company, Nutrition Point, received two top business accolades that recognised the innovation of our brands, the growth across the free-from sector, and our brand's customer-focused service.
What is the most challenging HR issue? We have two new employees joining this month, so it is my role to organise their induction programmes and customer service training to ensure they settle in well.
Are you looking for any people right now? I have just recruited two new customer service executives, but our HR manager Sarah Blyth is always happy to receive speculative CVs.
Is the company, working on anything exciting right now? DS Gluten Free and our sister brand TRUfree have recently secured a distribution partnership with Lloydspharmacy to supply a range of products through its online store.
Company name: Dietary Special (DS Gluten Free)
Sales: £24m
HQ: Stockport Road, Warrington
Employees: 40
What's it like to work for your company? DS is a great brand to work for. I've worked here for nearly five years and my job has changed and developed so much over the years. Every day is different with a new challenge.
Why is it a good employer? The brand has good strong values and the company really cares about its employees. It is understood that we can work in a fun, relaxed atmosphere while still maintaining high professional standards.
What's the best thing about working there? I have a brilliant team of staff all committed to providing our consumers with a compassionate and professional service. I daily network with all sorts of people. Most of them are very happy customers.
How does the company differ from its rivals? DS gluten free is an extremely customer-focused brand and we invest heavily in consumer research during our product development process. We aim to offer our customers more than just the products and hold exclusive engagement events throughout the year, which include kitchen demonstrations, helpful advice from our dietary experts and a safe environment for consumers to discuss their condition.
Is there a definable company culture? There is a strong level of commitment both to the company and to our customers. Staff are willing to go the extra mile to get jobs done and with the company being relatively small, people are very adaptable.
If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Mini Cooper: small, reliable and steady but a little bit quirky.
What's the training like and what qualifications can I earn? There is a lot of training on the job, while employees also have the opportunity to do external courses. The customer service team have all recently completed Customer Service NVQ qualifications.
Has the company won any awards? This year, our parent company, Nutrition Point, received two top business accolades that recognised the innovation of our brands, the growth across the free-from sector, and our brand's customer-focused service.
What is the most challenging HR issue? We have two new employees joining this month, so it is my role to organise their induction programmes and customer service training to ensure they settle in well.
Are you looking for any people right now? I have just recruited two new customer service executives, but our HR manager Sarah Blyth is always happy to receive speculative CVs.
Is the company, working on anything exciting right now? DS Gluten Free and our sister brand TRUfree have recently secured a distribution partnership with Lloydspharmacy to supply a range of products through its online store.
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