
Source: Superdrug

Superdrug’s same-day delivery service fulfilled over 10,000 orders in the last quarter of 2022

Superdrug enjoyed a strong Christmas performance, with like-for-like sales up 16% in the five weeks to 31 December, according to a trading update.

Footfall was consistently up across the month, with average weekly transactions 19% higher than in the previous December, which coincided with the omicron Covid variant. 

Own brand lines were up 20%, while more shoppers took advantage of discounts for Health & Beautycard loyalty scheme members, Superdrug said.

However, customers were also willing to splash out on more expensive lines, with sales of premium fragrances helping drive the category’s biggest-ever sales week in the run-up to Christmas. It followed the introduction of six luxury brands in September, including YSL, Prada and Giorgio Armani.

In cosmetics, sales were back to pre-Covid Christmas 2019 levels.

Superdrug opened 11 new stores in 2022, including in Aberdeen and Plymouth, and refurbished another 59.

It also enhanced its online offer, launching Superdrug Marketplace in November, allowing third-party brands to sell on its website. The marketplace listed close to 7,000 of the “most exciting and innovative new products” in December, Superdrug said.

Read more: Boots’ third-party marketplace plans are not a moment too soon for the business

Superdrug’s same-day delivery service, called Store to Door, in partnership with courier business Stuart, fulfilled over 10,000 orders in the last quarter of 2022. The service extended to Scotland for the first time in May.

“We are delighted to say that we had a tremendous Christmas at Superdrug,” said CEO Peter Macnab.

“Our commitment to accessibility means that customers continue to come to us for the very best in high street value, at a time when affordability really matters.

“Our continued investment in stores, market-leading digital progression and innovation in own brand has driven increased sales and market share growth.

“I’d like to thank all of my colleagues for all of their hard work in bringing such a fantastic and competitive offering to shoppers.”