Sir; The notion retailers are using auctions to drive down the price with no intention of transacting business is simply not true (Hitting the Floor, The Grocer, July 6, pp34-5). At GNX, our customers take auctions seriously and consistently use them as the determining factor in awarding business. We believe that retailers and suppliers share a mutual responsibility in maintaining the integrity of the negotiation ­ relationships still matter, and retailers must continue to work together with their suppliers, to ensure they can deliver the quality, price and service level promised. GNX helps them do this, with a whole process for supplier engagement behind the auction itself. We work with the buyers to engage and communicate with suppliers throughout the process with physical product sample reviews, technical specification reviews, and opportunities for discussion. GNX even consults with suppliers on how best to structure their offering to compete in an online negotiating environment. Unethical negotiations can take place in any environment ­ this depends on the style of the organisation, not whether the negotiating takes place online or offline. The auction tool simply brings the existing negotiating process online, automating and streamlining many time-consuming, administrative tasks and bringing together all of the information needed to make the right purchase decision in one place. The online negotiation process creates open lines of communication and establishes clear rules of engagement, providing an equitable and fair trading forum for all. And suppliers are using auctions themselves to become more efficient. Marcia Donner VP customer experience GNX {{LETTERS }}