If you look at the latest MAT figures, mineral water is up 14% year-on-year and flavoured water up 17% year-on-year. Cola and other carbonates are up just 3%. Zenith International is forecasting 10-15% growth each year. So, by 2005, water will be bigger than carbonates except for cola. In the south, Evian's volume and value share would probably be bigger than Pepsi two litre or variants, and would be bigger than Coca-Cola's core four brands. French suppliers with a global view of what they are doing are gradually waking up to what the UK wants. But one or two local suppliers have also realised what we ought to do, and have responded. I believe, with the pack designs coming through, UK bottled water will make some significant gains. For example, Highland Spring is looking at the market as a soft drinks area rather than a water area, and with Looney Tunes 6 x 250ml sports caps for kids, it will make inroads this year. Budgens performs well with branded waters ­ Evian, Volvic and Highland Spring. Our own label Montgomery spring mineral water did well because of its new design. Own label is often a five-day week product, with branded drunk at the weekend. Our thinking was to get the label interesting enough so that it may get consumed every day of the week. It was introduced in the last six months and we're certain to develop packs and formats. Its in 5 litre still, 2 litre still and sparkling and 500ml still. We will link it to sandwiches, but we've always done that particularly in our B2s and Budgen Express stores. All soft drinks are weather dependent, but the heaviest pick-up is water, and key are multipacks and two litres. Brandwise, Evian is driving the market. But you have to category manage the fixture. Making sure in the summer, for example, there is extra site available for stock. Lots of lines are not a luxury you can afford in terms of space. Stock Evian, Volvic, Highland Spring and own label and at the indulgence end San Pellegrino, Vichy Celestin and Buxtons. {{FOCUS SPECIALS }}