Channel 4 is under mounting pressure to take action against Gordon Ramsay following his use of expletives during Gordon’s Great British Nightmare, The Daily Mail reports.

Several politicians have condemned Ramsay’s liberal use of swear words during the show, which aired last Friday night. According to The Daily Mail, Ramsay swore a total of 243 times in the 2 hour long programme.

Although Channel 4 has received a number of complaints following the show, at this stage it does not intend to take any action against the celebrity chef. Defending Ramsay, a Channel 4 spokesman claimed that viewers knew what to expect when watching him in action. It further justified the content of the programme by claiming that it had aired after the watershed. An announcement had also been made regarding its content prior to the screening.

Amongst those who have spoken out against Ramsay’s use of bad language, is Ann Widdecombe, who has called for Ramsay to be sacked.
