Pricecheck Sustainability Champions

Led by HR director Lucy Goddard, the team will meet quarterly

Sheffield-based distributor Pricecheck has launched a new ‘sustainability champions’ initiative to drive more environmental practices within the company.

The champions are a network of volunteers from across departments. They suggest ideas, improve processes, and promote responsible behaviours among their colleagues.

This year’s champions are: executive PA Holly Stafford, receptionist Lucy Ellis, health and safety manager Caroline Travis, contract packing supervisor Julie Emmerson, business development executive Julie Maragh, and marketing co-ordinator Laura Cope.

The eight-strong team is headed by Pricecheck HR director Lucy Goddard and is set to meet quarterly to discuss the progress of initiatives in place.

The wholesaler has launched a new partnership with app Treekly as part of the programme.

Treekly provides daily walking challenges with set rewards to benefit the environment, such as completing 5,000 steps in a month converting to a tree planted in Kenya.

“As a growing fmcg distributor, we are always finding ways to do business more responsibly,” said Goddard.

“Like most companies, we continue to invest in technologies and processes to reduce our impact and achieve our ESG goals, but many businesses are leaving out one big influence – their people.

“True progress cannot be made unless our workforce is on the same page, and that’s where our sustainability champions come in.

“By counting on experts who can lead on the environment front and set standards for other employees, we aspire to make a real difference, one step at a time.”