What an uplifting week. As the Olympics kicks off, the sun is finally shining and the campaigning of dairy farmers has them rivalling Bradley Wiggins in terms of both national support and effectiveness.

A YouGov survey commissioned by The Grocer to gauge who consumers blame for the low milk prices, also shows shoppers have poor knowledge of which retailer has done what to support farmers.

No surprise there, perhaps. The more intriguing finding is how many consumers say they would be happy to pay more. The question is, if milk prices were to rise (and they surely must now), would shoppers switch?

The impact of the relaxation of Sunday trading restrictions will also be closely monitored. Coinciding as it has with a dramatic change in the weather, it is important to divorce the two. If the temporary change in opening hours for larger stores is a success, it will be because of either the good weather or the influx of visitors to the UK. Or both.

But neither will last. Indeed, in the case of the sunshine, it has stubbornly refused to come out at all in some parts of the country. A permanent shift must be lobbied against, with the zeal of dairy farmers, if the resurgence in the convenience-based high street is to be maintained.

With London 2012 upon us, it’s a good time to reflect on the nation’s fitness, and what it takes to be at the top of our game in grocery. The entrepreneurial, innovative men and women within multiple and convenience retailing share a vision with our Olympic stars to be the best.

Our Spar retailers, for example, are certainly as obsessed with their stores as the athletes are with their sports. We must also mention the grocery sponsors and supporters of this Olympics. I so hope the legacy for Coca-Cola, P&G, Cadbury, Heineken, GSK and Nature Valley goes beyond the number of products they sell, inspiring future generations to get more involved in sports.

But let us take this opportunity to reflect on what our legacy will be from a personal perspective too. Like the Olympians, it is our job to continue the legacy of this once-in-a-lifetime event - and, like Bradley et al, to go for gold. Let the Games begin!