My short but successful PR career has already taught me a number of things.

Don't get the bus because taxis are rechargeable (to clients, silly, not electrically). Timesheets are a miracle of physics - "see time expand!" And don't sleep with the clients (unless you're the MD when, oddly, it becomes compulsory).

However, the key 'learning' (as they say at Procter & Gamble instead of using English) is that we are a perverse nation. (Not perverted - I'll deal with that another week.) Get an expert to tell us that something is bad for us and down we'll plunge like necklines at the Gramias. Miranda calls it anti-marketing.

Hence this week's news that the wine glass which can hold a full bottle is now a runaway best seller. This is all thanks to po-faced doom-monger Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians, who encouraged sales by saying that the mega-goblet would promote irresponsible drinking. He added "It must be very difficult to judge how much you are drinking in a glass that size." Doh! It's a bottle-full, dummy.

Meanwhile, our supreme leader Karoline (with a K), for whom a bottle is just a notional point halfway through a magnum, has embraced Diageo's 'not below production cost' announcement with some enthusiasm. She's partial to their Dom Pérignon, currently knocked out at Soho House at £190, and is keen to know how far that is above the cost of production. After doing some adding up, we reckon it costs about £2.50 to make, most of which goes on the bottle.

We tried the anti-marketing approach when we pitched for the Hershey's business. In retrospect, building a UK marketing campaign on the platform "It tastes slightly of sick" may not have been the best launch. But at least it has the virtue of being true.

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