How lamb is prepared nIn the past year there were 617 million lamb occasions, an increase of 2.4% vs last year
nJoints and chops are the major cuts, accounting for 40% and 28% of occasions respectively
n31% of lamb is consumed on Sundays, rising to 59% of joints Lamb meets the convenience and versatility challenge The more convenient and versatile lamb cuts of chops and mince are in growth while joints are in decline. The importance of Sundays is flat while midweek consumption of lamb has increased, especially among younger consumers of family age. The main growth has been among young children, females up to 64 and males aged 25-64, with losses among the core 65+ market.
Use for social/ entertaining purposes is up 29%, although this reason is given for only 2% of occasions. “Quick to cook” as a reason for consumption has grown nearly 50% - a factor in the growth of quick-cooking chops and mince, and growth among 25 to 64-year-old males, motivated by speed of cooking. Enjoyment is a key motivator. While ‘favourite’ is still the largest reason (34% of all occasions), there has been strong growth in ‘healthy’ (+40% vs last year), faster than total foods (+5%). Baking, stir frying and barbecuing are growing cooking methods, while roasting declines.
Richard Lowe, MLC marketing director, said: “Lamb is often seen as under threat from an old-fashioned image, yet growth in consumption among all female groups under 65 is encouraging. This shows it can compete in a protein market where convenience and versatility are key drivers.”
Sara Donnelly, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to November 2004.
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