Tesco’s latest push for its Clubcard Prices promotional scheme begins in the pragmatic fashion you might expect. We see a shopper at the till, with cheap prices flashing up and a practical demonstration of how you can use the Clubcard app to save dosh. The beep of the scanner pulses along with Snap’s ‘I’ve Got the Power’ – a nice touch.

But then her face glitches into a cartoonish grin, in a Snapchat filter-esque contortion that, intentionally or not, recalls hit 2022 horror film Smile. Giant eyes and teeth positively glowing, she swaggers out on to the street, nodding at other shoppers similarly afflicted (er, I mean ‘rewarded’).

It’s vaguely traumatic – and completely arresting, elevating what might have been a boring ad into something much more memorable. A funny payoff involving a biscuit and a dog is the icing on the cake.