
Name: Victoria Gibson

Age: 27

Job title: Junior brand manager for Fruittella

Company & location: Perfetti Van Melle UK in Windsor

Education: Business Studies with HR Management at Bournemouth University

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a few different things. I went through phases where I dreamed of becoming a teacher, a midwife and even an events planner.

Why did you decide to go for a career in food & drink? I fell into a career in food and drink somewhat unexpectedly. During my placement year at Bournemouth University, I worked for SHS Drinks as a brand activation intern, under WKD (a student’s dream come true!), where I was exposed to the vast world of food and beverage.

After returning from my placement, a fortunate opportunity presented itself when a colleague informed me about an opening as a brand marketing executive due to her departure. Without hesitation, I decided to take the plunge and move to Cheltenham straight after university.

“My time working with alcohol and soft drinks undoubtedly left a lasting impression in shaping my career trajectory within the fmcg sphere today”

Explain your job to us in a sentence (or two): I am responsible for building and managing Fruittella’s brand identity, infusing an abundance of ‘Fruity Joy’ across all comms, and making our products visible in the market by implementing and overseeing various, diverse brand plans and strategy. A lot of what I do also revolves around NPD ideation – from initial brainstorming to meticulous planning and design, right through to launch, as well as managing agency and internal relationships.

What does a typical day look like for you? A typical day for me is quite dynamic, often varying depending on the time of year and current projects. Looking ahead to the summer months, the pace tends to pick up significantly with heavy involvement in campaign planning and execution. It’s a time when creativity and innovation are in full swing, as we strive to engage our audience with exciting promotions and initiatives. Occasionally, my schedule might take more glamorous turn, like spending the day at global HQ filming a TikTok collaboration with Heart Radio’s Pandora or attending a red carpet movie premiere in Leicester Square!

On other days, I might find myself busy with administrative tasks such as raising POs and packing products for shipment. Other times, I could be diving into data analysis, pulling insights on top-performing SKUs or trends in flavours for upcoming product launches and strategy development. With this also comes lots of sample taste testing and assessing sweet shapes, as well as managing packaging and artwork signoff.

Tell us how you went about applying for your job: I was approached by a recruiter but was already familiar with the brilliant roster of household-name brands. It began with an initial interview that focused on understanding who I am as a person, my background, and what I bring to the table. Following that, there was a further two interviews, where I was quizzed on everything from brand planning to administrative skills, which later culminated in a presentation on how I would allocate a £1m budget – a relatively daunting exercise which tested my strategic thinking, but also allowed me to exercise creativity and have a bit of fun!


What’s the best part about working for a food & drink company? Naturally, there’s the delightful benefit of having access to an unlimited samples cupboard, which certainly is a sweet bonus!

One of the most rewarding aspects is the opportunity for a varied work life; with each day unfolds new challenges, projects, and experiences, keeping things different and fresh. Whether it’s working on marketing campaigns, developing new products, or analysing consumer trends, there’s always something different to dive into. Plus. the fast-paced nature of the industry, combined with the constant evolution of consumer trends, adds an additional element of excitement.

And what’s the biggest misconception people have about working in food & drink? I think a lot of people underestimate just how acutely multifaceted working in food and drink really is. Fruittella is a household name and we’ve worked hard to keep brand awareness top of mind (and shelf) despite being relatively small in the UK.

A lot of what I do revolves around championing our products every day; leveraging platforms like TikTok to engage with a younger audience and maintain relevance in today’s digital age is just one of the ways we do this – it’s about constantly strategising innovative ways to keep consumers engaged and excited.

What advice would you give to other young people looking to get into the food & drink industry? I know it sounds obvious but look for a company whose values and products truly resonate with you on a personal level.

Genuine passion for the industry is equally important, and being a brand advocate for the business you’re looking to join will serve you infinitely; when you get to work for a brand you love, not only does the job feel less like work but it also makes for a deeply gratifying and personally fulfilling experience.

What’s your ultimate career dream? To own my very own coffee shop and bakery. Think small suppliers, ethically and sustainably sourced ingredients and plenty of regulars who become like family!

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