Each week in the run up to polling day on June 7, The Grocer will be asking leading
figures from across the food and drink industry to identify the one issue they think the newly elected government should tackle first
Sir Peter Davis
Chief executive, Sainsbury
We shall seek a balanced inquiry into the state and structure of the UK food chain. I believe there is insufficient understanding of the cost structure of the supply chain by many of its participants, leading commentators and by the general public. Farmers believe they do not get enough return. We do not deal with them direct, but through our suppliers. We must review the chain urgently to reach the best outcome for all participants our customers, our suppliers and for UK farmers.
Peter Blackburn
Chairman and CEO, Nestlé UK
My main aim for the next government would be for MAFF to participate with all partners in the food supply chain to set about restoring the image of British food in the eyes of both UK consumers and overseas customers. The UK food chain is providing consumers with more choice, better value, higher quality and greater safety than at any time in the past. Yet the perception among consumers is very different. The government has a key role to play in working with us to regain their trust.
Morton Middleditch
Spar UK
I would like the new government to acknowledge it is largely retailers in small stores who support communities in areas not served by the multiples and increasingly deserted by banks and Post Offices. As such, neighbourhood stores should be protected through no further erosion of the Sunday trading rules, a reduction in the burden of legislation, more help for rural stores, further action to stamp out bootlegging, a national ID card, and harsher penalties for those who attack staff and property.
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