October 14 is International Feng Shui Day celebrating the Chinese science which despite being thousands of years old, still has much to say about creating the perfect office environment.
Translated, Feng Shui means "the way of wind and water" and in Europe the science is often called geomancy. The art is based on the eight stations of life; prosperity, relationships, helpful people, new knowledge, family, children, fame and career. According to the web site The World of Feng Shui, company directors and managers can benefit significantly if they adapt their offices and follow the discipline.
If the Feng Shui for the boss is good, then all staff will benefit. The boss's desk should always face the main door but not be too close to it, and their back should not face a window or point to the door which will make them susceptible to colleagues politicking against them and stabbing them in the back.
Chairs should have armrests and a high back, while a picture of a relaxing mountain scene should be hung on the wall behind the chair.
The more regular the shape of the office, the better, because irregular shapes can cause missing corners or what are known as negative poison arrows' such as square columns jutting out of these corners. The Feng Shui of any office can be improved by the use of mirrors and plants around the poison arrows.
It is important to avoid clutter. Untidy desks and messy surroundings can create confusion which could lead to mistakes.
Companies that have open plan offices are advised to beware the centipede' a common seating plan in these working environments. This formation is said to lead to illness, quarrels and disharmony among staff.
Another feature to avoid is overhead beams which can be repeated on a number of floors. The burdening effect which someone sitting under a beam will suffer is multiplied by the number of floors above them and the negative chi created can cause headaches and illness, according to Feng Shui experts.
The lighting and colour is also important to the office occupant's wellbeing. Spotlights are good if they are shining on a south wall, while a round table lamp is an excellent purveyor of Feng Shui energiser' which denotes good luck. Colours represent the five elements of Feng Shui; water, earth, metal, fire and wood.
For example, a room painted yellow represents the earth and will have positive financial implications for a company. For more information check out www.worldoffengshui.com
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