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While 79% of people in the UK are now concerned about the negative impact humans are having on the planet and its biodiversity, many are focused on plastic pollution and fossil fuels, with very few shoppers realising that one of the major causes is the industrial food model.

The in-depth research in this report from Ecotone aims to serve as a wake-up call to the food retail and manufacturing industries, urging the adoption of more organic and sustainable means of cultivation to allow biodiversity to flourish, while safeguarding the livelihoods of indigenous farmers. It calls for transparency in the food supply chain and invites the industry to cement the link between food and the environment in order to make sustainable choices easier for today’s more mindful shoppers.

Moreover, it explores the demographics and motivators of sustainable shopping and illustrates how retailers and suppliers can build a better future for all life on the planet while feeding the world’s nations sustainably, giving concrete examples of brands who are striving to make a real difference. To learn more, download this exclusive report.

Click the link below to download the paper. 

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