Food & Drink Wales
The Welsh Government's Food Division is responsible for promoting the industry in Wales. Working with partners, it recently published its future strategic vision aimed at creating a strong and vibrant Welsh food and drink sector with a global reputation for excellence, along with having one of the most environmentally and socially responsible supply chains in the world.
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How Wales is meeting the challenges of a sustainable future
With a need for food and drink businesses across the UK to demonstrate sustainability practices, Wales is showing why B Corp certification has become key in its bid to be one of the most sustainably responsible supply chains in the world.
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How provenance and quality are influencing food and drink purchase decisions
With British consumers increasingly seeking reassurance and transparency on the origins and production of their food and drink, a study in Wales has highlighted how important this has become – and how it translates back down the chain to the country’s producers.
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Why export success is increasingly important to regional growth
Amid surging exports for the UK market, regional performance is also strong – and Wales is reaping the benefits of its positive food and drink culture to send a positive message to the international buying world.
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Why optimising time efficiency could be the best approach for face-to-face events
While virtual events can minimise costs and maximise time, BlasCymru/TasteWales, due to take place in October, is showing how powerful in-person buyer-supplier interaction can be achieved in an efficient and seamless manner, to the benefit of both.
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Walking the talk: how training is moving the goalposts on sustainability action in Wales
How the Welsh Government is taking direct action to effect real change in the sustainability of local food and drink businesses.
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How sustainable actions in Wales are helping drive businesses towards awards success
Despite the current cost-of-living crisis, UK consumers and retailers are still focused on sustainability. In Wales, businesses are reaping the rewards of government support on the issue with an increasing number of award-winning brands.
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Why Wales is backing a sustainable approach to boost food and drink success
Growing ethical consumerism in food and drink means shoppers increasingly expect suppliers to embrace sustainable production. Discover how the Welsh Government’s Food & Drink Sustainability Cluster is helping manufacturers support each other and achieve B-Corp, boosting awareness and sales.
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Wales steps up to labour shortage issue
While recruiting skilled labour into the food and drink manufacturing industry has long been a challenge, it has been exacerbated by recent events. Now, the Welsh Government is pulling out all the stops to address the issue head-on.
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Why collaboration is key to the net zero goal
With the UK setting out its plans for decarbonisation, the food and drink industry is clear that government support and collaboration will be key to achieving the net zero target. Wales’ public-private collaborative approach is a leading example of how this can be achieved.
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Wales aims for sustainability gold
With consumers increasingly conscious about environmental issues, Wales – a small country with big ambitions – is taking steps to achieve a global reputation for the excellence and sustainability of its food supply chain.