Superdrug apprenticeship levy campaign

Source: Superdrug

Superdrug is pushing for reform of the Apprenticeship Levy to “ensure valuable funds are no longer wasted”.

The health and beauty retailer has enlisted TV personality Tommy Mallet to back its ‘Rise Up to Level Up’ campaign, in which it is also pledging to take on 500 apprentices this year and double its intake over three years.

The campaign, also backed by the BRC, is calling for more flexibility in how retailers can spend Apprenticeship Levy funds, to allow training that better meets the industry’s needs.

It comes after M&S CEO Stuart Machin criticised the levy in February, saying the retailer was losing around £365k a month in unused funds thanks to rules on how they could be spent.

Superdrug people director Amy Davies said the businesses had been forced turn away thousands of good applicants in the past year thanks to the rules, despite 859,000 young people being out of work or education.

Superdrug’s intake is to focus on five key areas where unemployment among the young is high but apprenticeship take-up is low, according to the retailer.

“Our apprenticeship programmes are specifically designed to help, support and train every apprentice whilst they earn, to rapidly get where they want to in their careers and to cultivate and nurture the next generation of leaders in retail,” said Davies.

“However, the current restrictions mean there are limitations on what training we can offer and who we can accept. Within the last year we have had to turn away 7,200 great applicants who have not met the strict criteria and our drop-out rates have increased to 30%, as we can’t be flexible enough with our programmes or afford the right support when apprentices are in scheme.

“Apprenticeships are such a great choice for young people as they leave school and statistics show they are needed now more than ever – so as a business that stands for equality and accessibility, we remain committed to doing what we can to increase our intake and improve our scheme.”

BRC CEO Helen Dickinson said: “Rise-up to Level Up shows how much value retailers place on apprenticeships and the proactive steps they’re taking to provide more opportunities for people from diverse walks of life.

“But the industry could go even further if the Apprenticeship Levy was more flexible, with the option to spend funds on a wider range of training which meets the industry’s skills needs. Now is the time for government to work with businesses to build an effective apprenticeship system which ensures a steady pipeline of talent and better supports apprentices, today and in the future.”

Mallet said: “It’s worrying to think that on receiving their GCSE results, many young people might be confused and unsure about what to do with their future, and left feeling like they may never be able to achieve their career aspirations.

“An apprenticeship can give you such a solid start and a clear route for progression in a career. We need to make sure we’re putting these options in front of young people, bringing in as many apprentices as possible and providing the ongoing support for success within programmes.”