Winner: Morrisons Cheadle Heath

Store manager: Paul Finch

Opened: 1997

Size: 45,000 sq ft

Market share: 5.4%

Nearest rivals: Aldi - 0.3 miles   
Lidl - 0.9 miles
    Tesco - 1.4 miles

Store data source: Analysis by CACI. Call the market planning group on 020 7602 6000 


The store received an exceptional score of 95/100. How did you do it? We have a fantastic team here and I am proud of their efforts. We recently switched over from HOT service to Morrisons’ new Five Star service rating. This has taken customer service to the next level. We now get a detailed weekly. It shows the good, bad and ugly - thankfully so far it has all been good. Customers who take part have a chance to win £500 so we are regularly getting 75 to 80 reports back each week and it’s proving really useful in identifying areas we need to focus on.

You scored 100% availability - is there a big focus on this currently? Yes. We have recently launched a new push. The mantra is ‘tidy at 12 and fit for four’. This a not just about checking for gaps, but a genuine focus on making sure products are on the shelf when shoppers need them. We have been doing it for a month and it’s really making a difference.

Morrisons recently indicated that stores could soon be opening longer. Will you be affected? We already open from 7am to 10pm. It will be judged branch by branch and against local competition. We open the same number of hours as pretty much everyone else around here.

How is the big ‘I’m Cheaper’ campaign working in the store? Really well. We have an Aldi just over 200 yards away and since the campaign launched we have been winning customers back. Obviously, because so many of the products are cheaper sales are down in value terms but volumes are definitely up, particularly in produce. Our Produce Shine initiative, whereby much more of our fruit and veg is in chillers to increase shelf life, is also driving sales.

With the World Cup finishing at the weekend, how would you say it went? It was good, we had some great deals on beer and the good weather has also been a great boost for us. Unfortunately with England going out so early it wasn’t quite the festival we were hoping for.