All Feature Synopsis articles – Page 15
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Winter Remedies: 3 October
Winter remedies sales boomed with the arrival of Covid-19. So how will sales fare as we head into cold and flu season, and the threat of a second wave looms?
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Focus On Petcare: 26 September
Petfood is getting distinctly futuristic. How important are cutting-edge products in adding value to the category?
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Focus On Sports Nutrition: 19 September
What’s next for sports nutrition? How is business picking up for sports nutrition brands?
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Focus On Confectionery: 12 September
Across two reports, this feature will look at the future of the confectionery market
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Focus On Cold Brew: 5 September
Tea can be fruity, fizzy or fortified with ingredients purported to promote better health. Crucially, it’s cold
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Focus On Hot Beverages: 5 September
Coffee shops may have shut down during Covid-19, but that didn’t stop Brits seeking out a serious caffeine hit
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Focus On Batteries: 29 August
Staying in is the new normal. That means changes to battery sales
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Focus On Plant-Based – Meat Alternatives: 22 August
A different battle of the burgers is taking place in UK grocery as it becomes packed with meat-alternative brands
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Focus On Rice, Pulses & Noodles: 15 August
Are we facing a basmati rice shortage? Warning bells rang in May, when export restrictions pushed Indian rice prices to a nine-month high
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Focus On Breakfast & Brunch: 8 August
Brits have hardly been on the move of late. So how have on-the-go breakfast options performed during lockdown?
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Focus On Halloween: 1 August
Halloween will happen this year. But how? Neither retailers nor brands know whether social distancing will still be in place in October.
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Focus On Cheese: 25 July
Lockdown’s closure of the foodservice and hospitality sectors meant nervous times for cheesemakers – but happier ones are in the offing
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Focus On Home Baking: 25 July
How fancy have Brits’ home-baked goods become? After nearly three months being stuck indoors what sort of things are people making?
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Focus On Male Grooming: 18 July
Male grooming is facing a sea change. For one, beards are making a major comeback
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Focus On Free-From: 11 July
Is free-from still in demand during Covid-19? Before lockdown, the category was a byword for healthy eating
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Focus On Lunchboxes & Back To School: 4 July
How has Covid-19 changed the definition of a working lunch? And what is the future of lunchboxes for kids?
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Focus On Hygiene Products: 27 June
Cleanliness is key in the fight against coronavirus. So, it’s no surprise hygiene products have been in huge demand
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Focus On Ethical Trading: 27 June
Ethical trading has arguably never been more important. As coronavirus sweeps the globe, farmers and growers need to be paid fairly to tackle fresh challenges
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Focus On Big Night In: 20 June
With bars and restaurants closed, the big night in is Brits’ only opportunity to carouse
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Focus On Energy Drinks: 13 June
Quarantine fatigue is real. How can energy brands help housebound Brits feel lively again?