
Defra has asked for input from the agricultural industry, scientists and the public on the use of new types of animal feed products

The government has launched a UK-wide call for evidence on views about how to reduce livestock methane production.

Defra has asked for input from the agricultural industry, scientists and the public on the use of new types of animal feed products that can reduce the emissions from the farming sector.

Ruminant livestock including cows and sheep were the leading cause of farm greenhouse gas emissions, Defra said. However, feed products with methane-inhibiting properties had shown potential in reducing emissions.

These products may include ingredients like methane production inhibitors, seaweeds, essential oils, organic acids, probiotics, and antimicrobials.

The UK and devolved governments are looking to find out how farmers and agri-businesses can increase adoption of this technology to support more sustainable protein production

“Well managed livestock can provide various environmental benefits and meat and dairy can both be an important part of a balanced diet,” said farming minister, Victoria Prentis. “Through this call for evidence we’ll better understand the promising role emerging feed additive technologies for cattle could play and how government can help drive its development.”

The consultation comes as part of the government’s plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the whole UK economy by 2050. Agricultural greenhouse gases accounted for 10% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 with methane accounting for 54% of these, it said.

“Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and therefore methane reducing feed additives have the potential to be a crucial part of the solutions that the agriculture sector needs to deploy towards achieving our climate ambitions,” said Mairi Gougeon, Scotland’s cabinet secretary for rural affairs and islands.

“We need to develop a resilient and prosperous agriculture sector, which reduces its carbon emissions and greenhouse gases through a range of approaches including the possibility of adoption of important technologies,”  added Wales’ minister for rural affairs Lesley Griffiths. “We want to work with our farmers and industry to achieve this and I encourage everyone involved in the industry in Wales to respond to the call for evidence.”

The public call for evidence is open to anyone with an interest until 23:45 on 15 November.