Archive of all category reports – Page 9
Category Report
Why slow cooking could turbocharge sauces: cooking sauces category report 2023
As cash-strapped consumers cut back on eating out and try less energy-intensive cooking methods, a new opportunity has arisen
Category Report
Why inflation is a fork in the road for frozen: frozen food category report 2023
As shoppers suffer from ‘till shock’, frozen stands to benefit from its value credentials. Will this change the direction of the sector?
Category Report
Cigarette companies push smokers to vaping: tobacco & accessories report 2023
As cigarette sales fall once again, big tobacco is looking to vaping for revenue. But it risks being overtaken by new, trendy brands
Category Report
Will vaping’s youth appeal force a crackdown? Vaping & e-cigarettes category report 2023
Illegal nicotine volume, youth-targeted marketing and counterfeit devices are threatening the fast-growing disposable vape market
Category Report
Can function put the fizz back into adult soft drinks? Category report 2022
Sales of adult soft drinks have gone flat. But brands reckon functional benefits from fruit, vitamins and even CBD can perk up the market again – despite the cost of living crisis
Category Report
How bottled water can escape the supply maelstrom: bottled water category report 2023
Amid record heat and logistical issues last summer, bottled water faced a supply crisis. Can the industry learn any lessons for 2023?
Category Report
Why dairy is licking plant-based: ice cream category report 2023
Plant-based is niche in ice cream compared with other categories. How come shoppers are so cool on vegan scoops?
Category Report
Will rising prices mince British meat? Meat & poultry category report 2023
As input costs soar, meat is getting pricier – and skint shoppers are cutting back. How can British producers hold on to their sales?
Category Report
How bog-standard bog roll can thrive in the crisis: household category report 2023
Premium toilet paper is being outshone by cheaper own-label lines. Can brands tempt shoppers to spend more?
Category Report
How long before eggs crack under the pressure? Eggs category report 2023
Egg producers and packers are taking flight as soaring costs and rock-bottom retail prices turn profits to losses. What can be done?
Category Report
Can brands create a cleaner, greener world? Household cleaning category report 2023
Household suppliers of every size say they’re putting the planet first. Are shoppers buying their claims, as well as their products?
Category Report
Do cereals need a Grenade? Cereals category report 2023
A new wave of cereal brands wants to do for breakfast what low-carb snack brand Grenade did for confectionery. Can they really do it?
Category Report
Are Easter sales at risk of being squished? Easter & spring category report 2023
HFSS regulations and recession are bearing down on the Easter bunny. So what can be done to drive growth for festive treats this year?
Category Report
How jams are beating sticky cost increases: jams & spreads category report 2023
The price of fruit is soaring and spreads are suffering supply issues. How are brands and retailers luring price-sensitive shoppers?
Category Report
Why ready meals have entered a new ice age: category report 2023
Frozen ready meals have become a hotbed of growth, competition and innovation. How will the category develop as costs ramp up?
Category Report
Why small cheese is in big growth: cheese category report 2022
Mini portions have taken off in the past year. How can brands and retailers keep the little cheese wheels rolling?
Category Report
The battle to stop cheese sales crumbling: cheese category report 2022
Rising prices and tightened budgets have already taken a chunk out of cheese. How can the industry stop sales falling to pieces?
Category Report
The goalden grocery opportunity for beer, spirits and wine: alcoholic drinks category report 2022
The World Cup, a pandemic-free Christmas and rising living costs offer a ripe opportunity in off-trade booze sales. Can the industry slot it away?
Category Report
Why the meal deal could be on life support: Food-to-go category report 2022
Meal deal prices are on the up – and rising labour costs are likely to make the situation critical. How can the supermarkets adapt?
Category Report
Can RTD booze continue to explode? Alcoholic drinks category report 2022
Premixed cocktails and hard seltzers have added value even as hospitality has reopened its doors. How can they sustain growth?