Calum Harris “doesn’t regard himself as a chef”, says Hannah Harley Young, host of the Crazy Sexy Food podcast. Well, good – because he isn’t one. His rise to prominence as a devotee of vegan food was through social media, not professional kitchens. Which might help explain his lack of pretensions about cooking.
In the podcast’s latest episode (online now), the 20-something Harris plugs his new cookbook, Proper Healthy, by first addressing rumours he’s Jamie Oliver’s son. He’s not, he stresses, but eventually “I will have to make him sign an adoption paper”.
Harris then goes on to talk about his childhood in Bromley, where processed food formed a large part of the family diet. As he reminisces about his mum treating him to the likes of M&S mac & cheese, she unexpectedly calls him. “I’m keeping that in,” Harley Young hoots. Harris is unflustered.
His easygoing attitude extends to his career, which began in 2019, a year after he adopted a vegan diet for the perceived health benefits. He’s still not an online sensation, he insists, And that’s fine, because it allows him to “really focus on the recipes”.
It’s clear that Harris, while chill and cheeky – going vegan gave him the power to “climb on walls” – is committed to his craft of healthy plant-based eating. He has some harsh (for him) things to say about processed meat alternatives.
And he has great ideas for home-cooked meals. Like his shepherd’s pie. It eschews mashed spuds in favour of a gnocchi topping. Yummy!

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