Archive of all feature synopis – Page 7
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Bread and Baked Goods: 6 May
What are brands and own label doing to remain relevant and competitive?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Soft Drinks: 29 April
What looming costs threaten the retail price of soft drinks?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Crisps, Nuts & Bagged Snacks: 15 April
How has the crisps fixture adapted a tricky time?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Ambient & Canned Goods: 22 April
What can brands do to mitigate the effect of price rises?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Yoghurts & Pot Desserts: 22 April
How have the HFSS rules affected the yoghurt fixture in supermarkets?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Personal Care: 8 April
Will the reputation of high street pharmacies give them an edge in own label?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Male Grooming: 8 April
What’s behind the surprising enthusiasm for more premium products?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Beer: 1 April
Could Ireland’s most famous beer be toppled by challenger brands?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Barbecue: 25 March
What are retailers going to do to rekindle interest in barbecues this summer?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Snack Bars: 18 March
How is the category changing since HFSS rules took effect?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Dairy Drinks: 11 March
Can flavoured milk keep its price down amid rampant inflation?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Juices & Smoothies: 4 March
How can retailers and suppliers encourage shoppers to drink more juice and smoothies?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Cooking Sauces & Meal Kits: 25 February
Is there an opportunity for slow-cooker and microwave cooking sauces?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Vaping & E-cigarettes: 18 February
After ElfBar’s success, does the future of vaping belong to disposables?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Tobacco: 18 February
How many shoppers are switching from tobacco to vapes and e-cigs?
Feature Synopsis
Focus On Bottled Water: 11 February
What are retailers and brands doing to avoid the supply disruption of 2022?